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Indian Oil Corp (IOC) Dominates The 10th City Gas Bid Round


The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has announced that the state-run Indian Oil Corp (IOC) has obtained licences to retail gas in 10 cities whereas the state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) subsidiary Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL) bagged licences for nine towns.

The oil regulator PNGRB, while announcing the winners for the 10th city gas bid round, said that most of the nine city gas distribution licences won by IOC belong to Bihar and Jharkhand. PNGRB in its press statement also said that one of the licenses granted was for the joint venture between IOC and Adani Gas.

As per the same press statement, Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL) bagged licences for nine cities in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal in order to retail CNG to automobiles and piped natural gas to households. PNGRB also informed that the Gujarat Gas Ltd secured rights for six cities, meanwhile lesser known LNG Marketing Pte Ltd and Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Company of Manila Inc was granted rights for nine cities in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Kerala.

The state-controlled gas utility GAIL India’s unit GAIL Gas Ltd also secured rights for four cities. Indraprastha Gas Ltd and Torrent Gas won rights for three cities each while Adani Gas and Bharat Gas Resources Ltd bagged two cities each.

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