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By EquityPandit

INDIALatest News

Google CEO Sundar Pichai Donates Rs 5 Crore to India

Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai has donated Rs 5 crore to non-profit Give India, thus matching Googles earlier donation of Rs 5 crore to the online donation platform.
‘Thank you @sundarpichai for matching @Googleorg’s Rs 5 crore grant to provide desperately needed cash assistance for vulnerable daily wage worker families,’ Give India tweeted.
Give India has raised over Rs 12 crore so far to support vulnerable families across the country.Last month Pichai has announced the company will provide over $800 million to support small and medium businesses (SMBs), health organisations, governments and health workers on the frontline of global COVID-19 pandemic. The commitment would include $250 million in ad grants to help the World Health Organisation (WHO) and more than 100 government agencies globally provide critical information on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other measures to help local communities.
‘This is an increase from our initial $25 million announced last month. In addition, we’re providing $20 million in ad grants to community financial institutions and NGOs specifically to run public service announcements on relief funds and other resources for SMBs,’ Pichai said in a statement.
Read EquityPandit’s Nifty Outlook for the Week
Google has committed a $200 million investment fund that will support NGOs and financial institutions around the world to help provide small businesses with access to capital.

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