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Edelweiss Financial Services Net Profit Jumps 53% To Rs 276.38 Crores


Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd (Edelweiss) reported its consolidated net profit at Rs 276.38 crores, posting a jump of 53 per cent, for the quarter ended on September 30, The company had earlier reported a net profit of Rs 180.88 crores in the corresponding quarter of the previous fiscal year.

Edelweiss said in a regulatory filing that the total consolidated income during the quarter under review stood at Rs 2,672.59 crores, as against Rs 2,030.23 crores in the July-September period of 2017-18.

The interest income saw a fall in dividend and rental income, but an increase in fee and commission income at  Rs 1,712.98 crores during the July-September quarter of the current fiscal, from Rs 1,170.04 crores of the previous year.

Total assets of the company as on September 30, 2018, stood at Rs 67,821.96 crore. On a standalone basis, the net profit of the company in the quarter under discussion declined to Rs 25.25 crores as against Rs 26.08 crores.

The basic earnings per share improved to Rs 3.08 for each share during the second quarter of the current fiscal against Rs 2.31 a year ago same period. Income dipped to Rs 75.20 crore from Rs 106.06 crore in the year-ago period.

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