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By EquityPandit

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Warplanes Dump Water on Amazon as Brazil Begins Fighting Fire

Brazilian warplanes are dumping water on the burning forest in the Amazon state of Rondonia, responding to a global outcry over the destruction of the world’s largest tropical rain forest.
President Jair Bolsonar, have authoritative military operations in seven states to combat raging fires in the Amazon, responding to requests for assistance from their local governments.
Reuters accompanied a fire fighting brigade near the state capital of Porto Velho, where there were areas larger than football fields that had been charred, but active fires were contained to small areas of individual trees.
A number of yellow-clad firefighters from environmental enforcement agency Ibama easily cleared brush from around a burning stump with a leaf blower, douse it with jets connected to water packs mounted on their backs and covered it in the earth.
A video recently posted by the Brazilian Defense Ministry showed a military plane pumping thousands of litres (thousands of gallons) of water out of two giant jets as it passed through clouds of smoke close to the forest canopy.
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