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BHEL has received two R&M hydropower orders worth Rs 430 crore

BHEL, the state owned power equipment maker has received two renovation and modernisation (R&M) orders of hydropower plants worth Rs 430 crore including one from NHPC.

The company has said in a statement that “BHEL has secured R&M contracts of hydro electric plants (HEPs). The company has won orders worth around Rs 430 crore, for the R&M of the 6×60 MW Balimela HEP of Odisha Hydro Power Corp Ltd (OHPC) and the 3×60 MW Bairasiul HEP of National NHPC Ltd.”

As per a statement, the units at both Balimela and Bairasiul have been in operation for over 35 years and the R&M of these units will result in restoration of output capacity, improvement in efficiency and reduction in auxiliary power consumption, in addition to leading to better plant availability.

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