AirAsia India has announced a 4-day special Valentine’s Day sale. The airline is offering flight tickets from as low as Rs 1,014 (all-inclusive) under this special Valentine’s Day offer. To avail, this offer ticket can be booked till 14 February but the travel period for this sale is till 30 September 2020. The airline has put 1,40,000 seats up for grab at Rs 1,014, and tickets have to be booked 15-days prior of departure.
Ankur Garg CCO, AirAsia India said, ‘AirAsia India is focused on providing delightful experience at budget-friendly fares to all its guests. We urge our guests to ‘pick a date’ and celebrate the season of love by gifting a journey to their loved ones to their favourite destination.’ Also airline IndiGo is offering a four-day special Valentine sale on travel across its network within India with all-inclusive fares starting at Rs 999. The airline is offering one million seats on discounted fares from February 11 to February 14. The sale is valid for travel from March 1 to September 30, said in the statement.
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