After the company received a total order worth Rs 271.62 crore for different types of projects, then NBCC (India) rose by 4.01 per cent to Rs 42.75. The company received a Rs 42.44-crore order for the construction of balance works of Amrapali corporate hub at tower J, sector-2, IMT Manesar, Haryana, Gurugram related to Amrapali group of companies on engineering design, procurement and construction (EPC) basis.
Also, the company bagged an order worth Rs 229.18 crore for special repair & upgradation works of civil, mechanical & plumbing, and electrical, along with all allied works required due to the lack of comprehensive maintenance of Amrapali projects at Noida & Greater Noida.
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The central public sector undertaking is under the ownership of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, GOI. Across India & Overseas, the company is organized into three market-focused segments, which are EPC (Engineering Procurement & Construction), PMC (Project Management Consultancy) and RE (Real Estate).
On a consolidated basis, the net profit of NBCC rose by 34.1 per cent to Rs 95.46 crore on an 8.4 per cent rise in net sales to Rs 2,013.08 crore in the second quarter of FY23 over the second quarter of FY22.