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Mylan to Manufacture DESREMTM in Bengaluru

The global pharmaceutical company has revealed that DESREMTM will be available to patients at 4,800 per 100 mg vial.
On Monday, Mylan announced the commercial launch of its remdesivir under the brand name DESREMTM in India for treatment of patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms.
Mylan released the first batch of its generic remdesivir and said it will continue to increase its supply across the country in the wake of the rising demand for the drug.
The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) approved of DESREMTM in early June; for the treatment of suspected or laboratory-confirmed incidences of the novel coronavirus infection in adults and children hospitalized with severe presentations of the disease. This is the third licensed generic drug to be launched after Hetero Drugs Ltd and Cipla Ltd.
Mylan will manufacture DESREMTM at its injectable facility in Bengaluru, market the medicine in India and export to other markets for which it has received a license from Gilhead Sciences Inc.
Gilead had signed a pact with Mylan, Cipla, Hetero Drugs, Jubilant Life Sciences Ltd and Pakistan-based Ferozsons Laboratories Ltd in May for licensing the generic of its novel drug and sale of it in 127 low and middle-income countries, including India, and later with four other companies. US-based Gilead has provided firms of the license on a royalty-free basis until an alternative drug is discovered or the WHO declares the end of its ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’.
While Cipla priced its remdesivir brand Cipremi at Rs 4000 per vial and Hetero Drugs priced its brand ‘Covifor’ at Rs 5400 per vial, Mylan has priced its product at Rs 4800 per piece. A usual remdesivir treatment involves six vials.
The company added that “Patients and healthcare practitioners can access information about the availability of DESREMTM in India through Mylan’s 24/7 national helpline number, +91-7829980066.”

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