The Kamal Nath government in Madhya Pradesh, senior party leader Jyotiraditya Scindia will join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and will be sent to the Rajya Sabha with BJP quota, sources said. A sulking Scindia, along with at least 17 legislators, went incommunicado on Monday which amid the political crisis, sparking intense speculation about the fate of the Kamal Nath government. The virtual revolt by Scindia and his faction prompted Chief Minister Kamal Nath to call a late-night cabinet meeting where around 20 ministers resigned reposing faith in his leadership. Nath alleged that the BJP was adopting immoral ways to ‘destabilise my government’ and vowed not to let it happen. After the dramatic developments, MP Forest Minister Umang Singhar was quoted as saying, ’We have resigned. Now it is up to the chief minister to take a call,’ by PTI.
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Out of the 28 ministers, 20 were present at the cabinet meeting, besides the chief minister. The rebel MLAs of Congress will be holding a press conference on Tuesday at 12 noon.