On Friday, Motherson Sumi System has announced the successful pricing of its maiden unsecured three-year non-convertible debenture (NCD) issue. The original issue size was Rs. 1,500 crore, which was upsized to Rs 2,130 crore (using greenshoe option) owing to overwhelming investor demand. Overall 24 investors, including 23 qualified institutional buyers (QIBs), have invested in the NCDs. The coupon size is 6.65 per cent and the NCD issue was assigned a rating of AAA (negative) by India Ratings. Motherson Sumi said the proceeds from NCDs will be used to pre-pay the debt which will help strengthen the balance sheet and reduce interest cost. This transaction further diversifies funding sources for the company by providing access to the deep domestic mutual funds and financial institutions market. ‘We are delighted and thankful to the investors for their continued support in Motherson growth story. The strong response to the NCD issue showcases the trust of investors in the abilities and growth prospects of the company,’ said Director Laksh Vaaman Sehgal. Globally, the company has a presence in 41 countries across five continents.