Mobile phones, televisions, refrigerators, laptops and stationary items will be allowed to be sold through e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal from April 20 during the lockdown, officials said on Thursday. The clarification from a senior home ministry official came a day after Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla issued revised guidelines for the extended lockdown period till May 3. Electronic items like the mobile phones, TVs, laptops will be available on the e-commerce platforms from April 20, the official said. However, the delivery vans of the e-commerce companies will need permission from authorities for plying on the roads. According to Wednesday’s guidelines, commercial and private establishments were allowed to operate during the extended lockdown.
‘Vehicles used by e-commerce operators will be allowed to ply with necessary permissions,’the ministry said.The previous notifications of the home ministry had specifically said that e-commerce platforms are allowed to sell only essential goods like food, pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
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