Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd (M&M) launched its first Bharat Stage VI compliant passenger car the XUV300. The Mahindra XUV300 will come with an updated BS-VI compliant 1.2-litre turbo petrol engine, priced at a premium of Rs 20,000 over its BS IV-compliant base variant. BS VI-compliant car will have a starting price of Rs 8.30 lakhs (for base W4 variant) compared with Rs 8.10 lakh for the BS-IV variant (base W4 model), company said. The new emission norm compliant XUV300 can cost as much as Rs 11.99 lakhs for its top-end W8 dual-tone variant, also said by the company.
Moreover, XUV300’s diesel variants will continue to sell in its old avatar as the company plans to roll out BS VI-compliant diesel variants closer to the availability of the BSVI grade fuel across India. The stringent emission norms will be effective 1 April 2020, for all vehicle categories ranging from two-wheelers to heavy commercial trucks.
The XUV300 is a sub-4 meter compact sports utility vehicle (SUV) launched by M&M in February 2019. The model puts M&M in direct competition with Maruti Suzuki’s Vitara Brezza, Tata Motors’ Nexon and Ford’s EcoSport compact SUVs.
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