Today, Mindtree Ltd’s shares rose to Rs 3262.15, up 1.57 per cent on the NSE. In 2021, the stock was down 17.1 per cent compared to a 2.85 per cent spurt in NIFTY and a 19.21 per cent spurt in the Nifty FMCG index.
Around 0.29 per cent, the benchmark NIFTY is quoted at 17850.55. The Sensex is at 59833.1, up 0.24 per cent. In August, Mindtree Ltd dropped around 6.8 per cent.
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The stock dropped around 4.44 per cent in August month. Currently, the stock is quoting at 28102.4, up 0.99 per cent. The volume in the stock stood at 1.75 lakh shares today compared with the daily average of 5.09 lakh shares in August 2022.
In September, the futures benchmark contract for the stock was at Rs 3283.3, up 1.73 per cent on the day. Mindtree Ltd is down 17.1 per cent in 2021 compared to a 2.85 per cent spurt in NIFTY and a 19.21 per cent spurt in the Nifty FMCG index. On June 22, the private equity of the stock was 29.76 based on TTM earnings ending.