On Wednesday, Microsoft unveiled new Surface devices with twin-screens that open like books, including a notepad-sized version that will put it back in the smartphone game next year.
Surface Duo was touted as the first device in the lineup to fit into a pants pocket, with two ‘paper-thin’ 5.6-inch screens that unfold and work in harmony with a specially tailored Android operating system.
Described as a ‘new category’ of the device, Duo can make telephone calls and run applications designed for Google-backed Android mobile software, which powers most of the world’s smartphones.
“You are going to talk about it as a phone, and I get that. You can text; you can write; you can do what you want, make no mistake this product is a Surface,” Microsoft chief product officer Panos Panay said at a Surface event in New York of Duo, which will be available late next year.
The Duo and a separate foldable Neo tablet came as a surprise at a New York event where the tech titan unveiled its latest lineup of Surface computing devices.
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