The country’s largest car manufacturer, Maruti Suzuki India, has announced on Wednesday, its plan to invest around Rs 24 crore to set up a 5 MW solar power plant at the Gurugram facility. The car giant plans to go the eco-friendly way and harness solar power to meet its energy needs. The solar the plant will aggregate the power generating capability at the manufacturing plant.
This plan is expected to give an annual output of 7,010 megawatt-hours
The automobile giant said, in an official statement, that the power
generated from the solar power plant will be in sync with the captive power plant and will meet the internal energy needs of the Gurugram facility.
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“The company recently laid the foundation stone for a 5 MW Solar Power plant at the Gurugram facility. The captive Solar Power plant is expected to be commissioned in FY 2019-20,” Maruti Suzuki India said in a filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange.
“Solar energy is abundant, versatile and efficient. This Solar Power the initiative is in line with the Company’s philosophy to adopt environment-friendly technologies and lower CO2 emissions. Through this solar power plant facility, we will harness renewable energy for our business needs over the next 25 years. Maruti Suzuki is committed to expanding its environment care initiatives in products, in manufacturing processes and in business
operations.”Kenichi Ayukawa, MD & CEO, Maruti Suzuki India Limited, said Commenting on the development.