Shares of Marico rallied nearly 6 per cent to hit a record high of Rs 590 on the BSE in Wednesday’s intra-day trade after the company said it has recorded revenue growth in the low twenties with double-digit solid volume growth during the September 2021 quarter. The stock of the personal products company surpassed its previous high of Rs 587 touched on September 13, 2021.
During the quarter, the sector witnessed improved demand trends as mobility levels increased with reducing Covid infections and accelerated vaccination drives. Discretionary categories and out-of-home consumption also visibly picked up, Marico said in the July-September (Q2FY22) quarterly update.
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Parachute, VAHO continued to witness high growth, whereas Saffola’s growth was muted due to high base and volatility in input prices. Foods, the digital brand grew strongly in line with the company’s target, it said.
“The international business delivered double-digit constant currency growth as we witnessed positive trends in all markets, except Vietnam. Vietnam, where a large part of our portfolio is of a discretionary nature, was in the grip of a severe Covid surge and stringent lockdown restrictions” Marico said.