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By EquityPandit


Looking at the World After COVID 19 Impact

We all know about the seriousness of COVID-19 continuously spreading all over the world since January 2020. But for those who survive this pandemic, which should be 99 per cent of humanity, this is definitely not the end. The post-COVID-19 world will bring lasting changes that would have been considered impossible earlier. Below are some routine changes for everyone’s life of Post Covid-19 Lockdown: 


1. Compulsory wearing masks, gloves in public places

2. Regular use of Sanitizer

3. Screening at all the entrances

4. Maintaining social distance

5. Opting digital transaction, online shopping

6. Not using trial rooms while shopping

7. Opting small gatherings in place of parties

8. Working from home

Now let us talk about how the world will look like after Coronavirus Impact: 

· Nations Revisit International Policies

India changed its FDI policy to make prior clearance mandatory for foreign investments from countries sharing a land border with India to curb ‘opportunistic takeovers’ of domestic firms, which China called a violation of WTO norms. On the other hand, the US has stopped releasing funds to the World Health Organization, accusing the global health body of bias towards China. 

·Crime Rate

As people will avoid going out, it has a possibility to lower the crime rates. Eventually, the crime rate during the lockdown was also the sharpest decline seen in Delhi and Karnataka. 

· Celebrating Festivals with Social Distancing

Within the nations, some individuals also made their journey inwards, having enough time for introspection. Muslims welcomed a low key Ramadan, Jews observed a subdued Passover, Christians toned down Easter festivity, Sikhs had a less boisterous Baisakhi, and Hindus welcomed their traditional new year in isolation. Religious congregations became a source of contention as certain orthodox communities resisted government lockdowns.

· Sports and Entertainment

It was the first time in the history of the Olympic Games that it was suspended. Overall, the who’s who in the entertainment industry, the soft power of India, are also supporting the government and joining the Prime Minister’s call of ringing bells (as a symbolic thanks to our healthcare workers and police force) and lighting diyas.

· Job Losses and Recession

The world’s workers are reeling from the initial shock of the coronavirus recession, with job losses and welfare claims around the globe already running into the millions. As the International Labour Organization warns of almost 25 million layoffs, if the virus isn’t controlled, the cuts from Austria to the US reflect the deepest peacetime recession since the 1930s as economies are frozen to beat the pandemic.

· Food Preferences

COVID has changed the public preferences replaced by home-cooked food and immunity-boosting foods. Since gyms and fitness clubs have closed down, people are relying on their yoga mats and online workout tutorials.

· Tech Dependency

Technology such as gaming, e-commerce, and digital banking make money transactions easier. People are watching TV series and films on OTT platforms, dating online, and also taking virtual lessons. Schools and colleges have shifted delivering their courses online and are preparing e-modules. Some people are also getting married online.

  • Environmental Impact

Environmental degradation was happening fast due to the depletion of resources such as air, water, and soil. But after the coronavirus lockdown commenced, there have been slight changes in the environment. Plants are growing better because there is cleaner air and water, and because yet again, there is no human interference. With everything at a standstill, plants are allowed to thrive and grow and produce more coverage and oxygen.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the biggest lesson COVID-19 taught was to be self-reliant. For a better quality of life, development must be sustainable and rely only on renewable resources. Also, there has been a positive impact on the environment due to the lockdown; there is fear that once people start travelling again or go back to doing what they have been doing, all the positive impacts will also disappear.

Increase Your Immunity, Fight with COVID, and Take Necessary Precautions!!!!!

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