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List of imported things to cost you more and less after budget

Everytime after budget, its a major question of every individual as to what will cost them more and what will become cheap for them. So, here’s a list of imported things that will be costlier and cheaper for you now, due to changes in their imported duties:

List of imported items that will cost more:

1.Cars and motorcyles, 2. Mobile phones, 3. Silver, 4. Gold, 5. Vegetable, fruit juices, including orange and cranberry, 6. Sunglasses, 7. Miscellaneous food preparations other than soya protein, 8. Perfumes and toilet waters, 9. Sunscreen, suntan, manicure, pedicure preparations, 10. Silk Fabrics, 11. Footwear, 12. Colored gemstones, 13. Diamonds, 14. Imitation Jewelry, 15. LCD/LED TV panels, 16. Mattresses, 17. Lamp, 18. Furniture, 19. Video game consoles, 20. Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars, dolls, among others.

List of imported things that will cost less :

1.Raw cashew nuts, 2. Solar tempered glass or solar tempered glass used for manufacturing solar panels/modules, 3. Raw materials, parts or accessories used in making cochlear implants, 4. Select capital goods and electronics such as ball screws and linear motion guides.

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