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Kwality,the dairy product firm aims to set up a plant worth Rs 100 crore in Jharkhand

On Monaday the dairy product firm Kwality Ltd said that it will set up a plant worth Rs 100 crore in Jharkhand. The company for a project of milk and its product has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Jharkhand government.This project would employee up to 500 people, the company said in a BSE filing.

“The project is proposed to commence in Financial Year 2018-19,” the filing said.

It also added that it would be subject to necessary approvals and clearance from the concerned departments of the state.

“In addition to investment of Rs 100 crore, it is also proposed that Kwality Limited will make investment towards Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) besides arranging skill upgradation/training of youths working population, running ITI in PPP or Private mode as per policy of the state Govt, or agreement arrived after mutual consent,” it added.

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