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By EquityPandit


KPI Green Energy Shares Gain 2% on Securing 4.20-MW Solar Power Projects

The company is scheduled to announce its JUly-September quarter today.

KPI Green Energy shares traded in the green on 9 October after the company announced securing orders for 4.20 megawatts (MW) solar power projects under the CPP (Captive Power Producer).

In its regulatory filing, the company said that with the addition of this order, the company’s cumulative orders of solar power projects have crossed the 100+ megawatts mark to date under the CPP segment.

The said projects are scheduled to be completed in the current financial year.

The company has secured orders from M/s. Maker Filaments for 2.0 MW, M/s Maker Synthetics for 1.0 MW, and M/s Savita Synthetics for 1.2 MW.

In its filing, The company said that it shall develop the projects for respective customers as per the terms of the order.

The company is scheduled to announce its JUly-September quarter today.

Last week, the company received orders for executing solar power projects adding up to 12.10 MW; from that, KPI Green Energy will be undertaking 3.10 MW capacity while its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sun Drops Energia Pvt Ltd, will be undertaking 9 MW.

At 11:44 am, the shares of KPI Green Energy were trading at Rs 915.40 or 1.41% above its previous close on NSE.

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