Indian microblogging platform Koo is preparing to introduce “WhatsApp like Group experiences” on the platform for users, introducing live videos and also other new product features by this year, Koo CEO Aprameya Radhakrishna said. Koo is also researching various backgrounds like former bureaucrats, journalists and different personalities to make an advisory board to handle situations like hate speech or freedom of speech, he added.
He said that we are bringing new realms of expression for conversations through live chat rooms. “There are different factors of going live in a room. One of the things that we are working on is text. It’s like a WhatsApp group experience but in an open community. Whatsapp groups are known for people who you can add via their phone numbers, but if you are interested in talking about a match, then there will be chat rooms that will allow discussions on it.”
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“Then one of the features will be Video lives. These are rooms that we want to open for some of the known personalities of India to create and have discussions with their followers. All of this is a work in progress. Regular Koo users or verified users can create WhatsApp groups like chats. We plan to launch these features in the first quarter of this year. We should be able to launch live videos by April.”