After the company announced the new secured order worth Rs 1,123 crore, KEC International jumped by 1.34 per cent to Rs 429.95. The Transmission & Distribution (T&D) business has built substations in India. Some other substations in India are Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL) and 400 kV GIS Substation.
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The company has major infrastructure engineering, procurement and construction (EPC). The orders for constructing bridges and new railway lines are associated with conventional segments in India. An order was received from Civil business for infra in the Hydrocarbon segment in India. Also, the company has the presence of smart infrastructure, verticals of power transmission and distribution, verticals of power transmission and distribution, oil & gas pipelines, and cables.
On consolidated, the net profit of KEC International tumbled 32.8 per cent to Rs 31.02 crore on a 30.6 per cent surge in net sales to Rs 3,318.08 crore in the first quarter of FY23 over the first quarter of FY22.