On June 14, KEC International’s share price gained 6% in early trade after securing new orders worth Rs 1,373 crore across various industries. The share price moved to a 52-week high of Rs 586. The Railways business has secured orders in India’s technologically-enabled and conventional segments.
The orders comprised signalling and telecommunication for automatic block signalling (ABS) structure, 2 x 25 kV overhead electrification (OHE), and connected works for speed upgradation.
The company’s civil business has protected orders in India’s residential and commercial building segments.
Its Transmission & Distribution (T&D) corporate secured orders for T&D projects in India and the Americas, counting a 400-kV broadcast line order, supply of towers in India and the US, hardware, and poles in the Americas, secured by its subsidiary SAE Towers.
At 9:24 am, KEC International traded at Rs 580.30, up Rs 28.70, or 5.20% on the BSE.