Chief Minister of Karnataka Basavaraj Bommai has announced the launch of the Global Investor Meet (GIM) called ‘Invest Karnataka 2022’. The event aims to attract investments from the whole world. The event will be held in Bengaluru from November 2 to November 4. Karnataka last hosted a GIM in 2016, which concluded with 1,201 approved projects and MoUs worth Rs 3,08,810 Crores. The Minister said that “Investors have always believed in us and have made it possible for the state to host a GIM. It is the right time to invest in Bengaluru, which is not only an IT, BT hub but also a financial hub.”
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Bommai called upon Large and Medium Industries Minister Murugesh Nirani to bring in scope and holistic investment across sectors like semiconductors, electronics, defence, aerospace, energy, biotechnology, IT, manufacturing, MSMEs, cottage industries. Revealing the logo, Nirani said, “We are pleased to announce the much-waited GIM 2022 officially.” The purpose of the GIM is to showcase the industrial-friendly ecosystem of Karnataka, attract huge investments from global players, and spread industrialisation across Karnataka, he said. “We have got sufficient land banks for the investors who want to invest in the state. Karnataka is home to 400+ R&D centres, 85+ chip design houses, and is a key player in the supply chain for the global markets,” he added.