The Reliance Jio launched its ‘2020 Happy New Year Offer’ for customers of both smartphones and its JioPhone, today. Under the limit period offer available for Rs 2020 from today, smartphone customers get 1 year of unlimited services. The second offer allows you to buy a new JioPhone for Rs 2020 along with unlimited services for a year. Here are the offers:
Recharge Jio mobile connection with a Rs 2020, offers are entitled to a total of 547.5 GB data for 365 days or 1.5 GB data per day. The annual recharge plan comes with Jio to Jio unlimited calls while 12,000 minutes of Talktime to non-Jio mobile will be free. Also, get 100 free SMS per day and a complimentary subscription to Jio Apps. The Rs 2020 recharge plan is, however, a limited period offer and Jio has not stated its end date.
If you are looking for an annual plan, Jio has another recharge plan of Rs 1299 which is also valid for 365 days. Although it comes with Jio to Jio unlimited calls and 12,000 minutes of talk time to non-Jio numbers, the data is limited to just 24 GB. Jio has also launched another offer for JioPhone customers who can get a new handset as well as an annual recharge plan for Rs 2020. The data limit is set at 0.5 GB per day while Jio to Jio calls are free while a FUP limit for non-Jio mobile numbers is applicable.
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