India’s largest telecom operator Reliance Jio gained 649,000 mobile users in August, leading the subscriber addition tally, according to the latest data by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai). Bharti Airtel added 138,000 users, while Vodafone Idea lost 833,000 subscribers during August. Reliance Jio’s mobile base stands at 443.8 million, that of Bharti Airtel’s is 354.1 Jip
In July, Reliance Jio gained 6.5 million subscribers, cementing its market lead, while Bharti Airtel added 1.9 million customers during the month. Jio’s subscriber base stood at 443.2 million in July, according to the data. Airtel’s total wireless subscriber count rose to 354 million in July. Vodafone Idea, which got a fresh lease of life with a new telecom package announced recently, lost 1.4 million wireless users during July, as its subscriber count slipped to 271.9 million.
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As of July, Reliance Jio has a 37.34 per cent wireless market share, Bharti Airtel is at 29.83 per cent and Vodafone Idea is at 22.91 per cent. The telecom sector has got a shot in the arm with the Cabinet approving a blockbuster relief package for the industry.