On Friday, IndusInd Bank had reported that its net profit jumped 55.5 per cent to Rs 1,361.37 crore, from Rs 875.95 crore in the first quarter. Interest earned for the quarter rose 5.93 per cent in the March quarter to Rs 7,859.89 crore compared with Rs 7,419.36 crore.
In the third quarter of last year, the gross non-performing asset (NPA) came to 2.27 per cent, compared with 2.48 per cent. As per the provision of the bank, the net profit was compared in the December quarter of Rs 1,463.52 crore to Rs 1,654 crore.
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On the last day of the previous week, the lender shares may end 0.94 per cent fall at Rs 978.20 on BSE.