On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he addressed the nation from Delhi’s Red Fort on the 400th birth anniversary of Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur. Also, the Sis Ganj Sahib Gurdwara near Red Fort honours the sacrifices of Guru Tegh Bahadur, and those sacrifices had inspired generations of Indians to live and die with dignity.
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“India has never posed a threat to any country or society. Even today, we think for the welfare of the whole world. When we talk about self-reliant India, we keep the whole world’s progress at the forefront,” Modi said.
“Big powers have disappeared, big storms have calmed down, but India still stands immortal and is moving ahead,” the prime minister said.
“We have to be proud of local products and build a self-reliant India… We have to make an India whose strength is seen by the world and which takes the world to new heights.”
Delhi’s iconic Red Fort was chosen as the venue to commemorate the 400th birth anniversary of Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur because it was from here that Mughal emperor Aurangzeb had given orders for the execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur in 1675.