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India-Japan-US Holds First Ever Trilateral Meeting, Named JAI


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and US President Donald Trump on the sidelines of G20 summit 2018 in Argentina. As according to the Foreign Secretary’s media briefing, US President Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Abe complimented Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the reforms and the development work that has been done by him.

The three leaders exchanged views on the Indo-Pacific. The three leaders also agreed that in order to accomplish peace and prosperity in the region, it is important to establish a free, open, inclusive and rules based order. The Indian Prime Minister presented some ideas on how to take the concept of the Indo-Pacific forward, where all the three countries can take part to promote the concept.

Indian Prime Minister also promoted the idea that it is much necessary for the three countries to reach out to all the other countries in the region and to educate them the benefit of the Indo-Pacific strategy and advantages that can come to these countries. The leaders also concurred to play a central role in ASEAN and agreed to work on maritime and connectivity issues and to ensure better cooperation in this matter.

All three leaders expressed their gratitudes towards the attendees of this meeting and felt that such meetings are useful and should continue in the margins of the subsequent G20 meetings. Indian Prime Minister later tweeted, “JAI (Japan, America, India) trilateral marks the coming together of three friendly nations. Today’s historic JAI meeting was a great beginning. PM @AbeShinzo, @POTUS and I held fruitful talks aimed at furthering connectivity, maritime cooperation and a stable Indo-Pacific.”

This was the first ever first trilateral meeting between Japan-America-India and overall created positive atmosphere as the meeting concluded. According to the Indian Prime Minister, along with the other two leaders, Japan-America-India trilateral was very encouraging and made them pleased with the outcome.

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