State-owned development finance institution IFCI Ltd on Tuesday said that it has raised Rs 805.6 crore by selling its stake the National Stock Exchange Ltd (NSE), the company said in a stock exchange filing. On 2 December, IFCI had informed stock exchanges that it has received bids for its entire 2.44 per cent stake in the stock exchange.
“This is to inform that IFCI has realized an amount of approximately Rs 805.60 crore, representing about 82 per cent of the total committed amount. Process for receipt of approval for remaining quantity is underway,” the filing said.
IFCI did not disclose the name of the buyers. At 1.20 pm shares of IFCI were trading at Rs 6.90 apiece, up 9.87 per cent. The stake sale values the country’s largest stock exchange at around Rs 40,000 crore.
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