ICICI Bank and fintech company Niyo on Thursday announced a tie-up to issue prepaid cards to workers of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). MSMEs will now be able to get ‘ICICI Bank Niyo Bharat Payroll Card’ powered by Visa, for their blue-collar workers, who are mostly under-banked. With this, MSMEs can upload the salaries of their workers on the card, which the workers can then utilize as per their need in a seamless manner.
The ‘ICICI Bank Niyo Bharat Payroll Card’ allows an individual to receive funds up to Rs 1 lakh into the card account. It offers convenience and safety of digital banking to the blue-collar workforce while providing salary disbursement solutions to employers.
This partnership with ICICI Bank is in line with Niyo’s mission to revolutionize the banking experience for India’s blue-collar workforce. With this, Niyo has announced its goal of reaching 5 million blue-collar workers in the next 5 years with its flagship product.
Sudipta Roy, Head Unsecured Assets, said, “We at ICICI Bank constantly strive to introduce facilities that foster inclusivity and extend the reach of the formal banking ecosystem. In line with this, we are delighted to partner with Niyo for the ‘ICICI Bank Niyo Bharat Payroll Card’. This partnership is yet another initiative by us to make banking products easily accessible to the underbanked population. We believe that armed with this card, workers of MSMEs will be able to enjoy the convenience and safety of digital banking.”
Niyo CEO Vinay Bagri said, “The Niyo Bharat Digital Salary Solution has the potential to bring millions of blue-collared salaried workforces into the formal economy and also support the nation’s successful march towards Digital India. Our primary objective is to provide digital banking solutions for the blue-collar segment to not only foster financial inclusion but also inculcate a long-term saving habit among them.”