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By EquityPandit

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I-T department has launched PAN- based litigation management system

The Income Tax department for reducing lengthy proceedings and time take in litigation, has activated a PAN-based online system.

The new facility is a part of the National Judicial Reference System (NJRS), which is an electronic repository of cases under the direct taxes category or income tax pending in legal forums like Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR), various High Courts and the Supreme Court.

A senior official said that “A new link has been activated recently in the NJRS which enables the Assessing Officer (AO) and his superiors to view appeals pertaining to their jurisdiction based on the Permanent Account Number (PAN). It is essential that the PAN number for each case is fed in the appeal to allow the system help the taxman.”

Moreover,”the new measure will drastically cut down time in appeal and litigation management in the department”.

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