Honda Cars India Ltd (HCIL) has launched two petrol variants of the fourth generation of its popular sedan Honda City with price starting at Rs 9.29 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). Recently, the company had launched an all-new 5th generation version of the Honda City sedan, said it will continue selling the 4th generation of the car in two variants SV and V grade with BS-VI compliant 1.5-litre petrol engine in manual transmission. While the SV variant is priced at Rs 9,29,900, the V grade is tagged at Rs 9,99,900 (all prices ex-showroom Delhi), the company added. Commenting on the launch, HCIL Senior Vice-President and Director, Marketing & Sales, Rajesh Goel said the company had decided to continue selling the 4th generation Honda City as it continues to be a popular model with its contemporary styling and is also BS-VI compliant. ‘With the continuation of 4th generation Honda City in SV and V grade, we have ensured that the City brand is available to a wider set of customers in terms of trims and different price points in the mid-size sedan segment,’ he added. HCIL said the 4th generation Honda City has cumulatively sold over 3.5 lakh units since its launch in January 2014 in India.