Shares of Hero MotoCorp Ltd were up 3 per cent at Rs 2,961.75 on the BSE in intra-day trade on Monday after the company resumed production at all its facilities from today. Hero MotoCorp is the world’s largest manufacturer of motorcycles and scooters – on Saturday said that the company is gearing up towards a gradual resumption of operations by starting production at all its manufacturing plants in India from Monday, May 24th. The company had already commenced single shift production at three of its plants – Gurugram and Dharuhera in Haryana and at Haridwar in the northern hill state of Uttarakhand, from Monday, May 17. The other plants of Hero MotoCorp in India, Neemrana in Rajasthan, Halol in Gujarat, and Chittoor in Andhra Pradesh – will also start single shift operations from May 24th. The Global Parts Centre (GPC) at Neemrana will also be operational from May 24th, it said.
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HMCL further said in addition to producing for the domestic market in India, these plants will also have an enhanced focus on catering to the Global Business (GB) markets across the world. The company continues to monitor the situation closely and will move to double-shift production gradually, it said. The top gainer among the S&P BSE Auto index, was up 2 per cent at Rs 2,949 on the BSE. In comparison, the S&P BSE Auto index and the S&P BSE Sensex were up 0.65 per cent and 0.40 per cent, respectively.
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