HDFC Bank with the partnership of Indian Oil has launched a co-branded fuel card for a user from non-metro cities and town, which will be on RuPay and Visa platform both.
The card was launched at an event here by IOCL’s Executive Director (Retail Sales) Vigyan Kumar and HDFC Bank’s Country Head, Payments Business and Marketing, Parag Rao.
Highest rewards and benefits were offered with this card on fuel consumption and will be available on both Rupay and Visa platforms, it was informed on the occasion by the bank and IOC officials.
The card was also simultaneously launched across 135 Indian oil outlets in Bhopal, Lucknow, Indore, Ranchi, Kochi, Vishakapatnam, Guwahati, Nagpur, Shillong, Varanasi, Jalandhar and Panjim, among others.
Vigyan Kumar said that Indian Oil had been a pioneer in promoting digital cashless and digital transactions with more than 98 per cent of the company’s network of 27,000 plus retail outlets capable of accepting credit or debit card payments.
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