Happiest Minds Technologies advanced at 2.11 per cent to Rs 1,018.15 after approval by the board of directors raising funds worth Rs 1,400 crore by issuing any equity. All debt instruments are used for fundraisings, such as fully/partly convertible ADR, GDR, equity shares, foreign currency convertible bonds, warrants or any combination thereof, in one or more tranches. All the receipts are necessary for approvals which are subject to the approval of all company members, shareholders, and regulators.
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These IT companies must enable digital transformation for enterprises, business efficiency, actionable insights, and technology providers by delivering seamless customer experiences.
The net profit of Happiest Minds’ Technologies rose by 8.1 per cent to Rs 56.34 crore, while net sales gained 9.4 per cent to Rs 328.92 crore in the first quarter of FY23 over the fourth quarter of FY22.