Today, Gujarat Gas Ltd’s fell Profit before tax in Q1 FY23 stood at Rs 508.85 crore, down by 20.2 per cent from Rs 637.73 crore posted in Q1 FY22. Total expenses jumped 95.7 per cent yearly to Rs 4,813.35 crore in the Apr-Jun quarter of FY23. Profit before tax in Q1 FY23 stood at Rs 508.85 crore, down by 20.2 per cent from Rs 637.73 crore posted in Q1 FY22.
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During the quarter, the company registered a total gas sales volume of 9.75 million metric standard cubic metre per day (mmscmd). Industrial sales volume was 6.63 mmscmd, and CNG sale volume was 2.44 mmscmd in Q1 FY23. PNG domestic and commercial sales volumes during the period under review aggregated to 0.55 mmscmd, respectively.
During the quarter, the company added close to 35,000 new domestic customers, 10 CNG stations, 131 commercial customers, and 63 new industrial customers.