On Wednesday, Google announced the launch of its generative AI models, Veo and Imagen 3, for businesses through Vertex AI, its cloud platform for enterprise applications.
Veo, developed by Google DeepMind, is an image-to-video model that generates high-quality videos from images or text prompts, including realistic people and animals. It will be available in a private preview via Vertex AI.
Google’s new AI models, Veo and Imagen 3, are designed to boost business growth. 86% of companies using generative AI report revenue increases.
Imagen 3 is Google’s highest-quality image generation model, which creates lifelike images from text prompts and can edit photos.
Brands like Cadbury, Oreo, and Milka already use Veo and Imagen 3.
To prevent misinformation, all images and videos generated by these models will have digital watermarks, including Google DeepMind’s SynthID.
Both models lack safeguards to prevent misuse and harmful content and are not trained to use customer data.
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