Alphabet Inc’s Google saw its revenue growth of 34.8 per cent to Rs 5,593.8 crore in India in FY20, as compared to the total income of Rs 4,147 crore in FY19, according to the Registrar of Companies filing shared by Tofler.
“The Board is glad to inform you that during the period beginning from April 1, 2019, and ending on March 31, 2020, the company has achieved a turnover (revenue from operations) of Rs 53,847 million, which is higher than the earlier year of Rs 39,928 million,” said Google India in a filing.
Google India’s net profit increased 23.9 per cent to Rs 586.2 crore in FY20 from Rs 472.8 crore in the previous financial year. Total expenses of the company rose 30.4 per cent to Rs 4,455.5 crore for the year ended on March 31, 2020, against Rs 3,416.5 crore for the year ended on March 31, 2019. The company made a pre-tax profit of Rs 11,383 million which resulted in Rs 3,020 million of corporate income taxes payable and further invested almost Rs 4 billion in its Indian operations.
The Tech giant’s advertising revenue in FY20 contributed for about 27 per cent of its turnover, while the share of IT-enabled services stood at 32 per cent, of which 41 per cent was from IT services, according to the filing.