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By EquityPandit

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Google Funds Six AI-Based Research Projects in India

Google started six Artificial Intelligence (AI) based research project in India that focus on addressing social, humanitarian and environmental challenges in sectors like healthcare, education, disaster prevention and conversation. Google Research India will provide team funding and computational resources in addition to supporting the efforts with expertise in computer vision, natural language processing, and other deep learning techniques, said in the company’s statement. ‘We are increasingly seeing people apply AI to address big challenges. Therefore, we have made research in AI for Social Good one of the key focus areas of Google Research India the AI lab we started in Bengaluru last year in September,’ said Manish Gupta, Director, Google Research Team, India.
Among the six projects are improving health information for high HIV/AIDS risk communities from the team from IIT Delhi led by Tavpritesh Sethi, the team from Singapore Management University led by Pradeep Varakantham and nonprofit Swasti.
Researchers from IIT Madras led by Balaraman Ravindran and non-profit Armman will use AI to predict the risk of expectant mothers dropping out of healthcare programmes, to improve targeted interventions and increase positive healthcare outcomes for mothers and their babies.
The team from Singapore Management University led by Arunesh Sinha and nonprofit Khushibaby will apply AI to help ensure consistency in how healthcare information is captured and monitored.
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