The state’s Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) on Thursday held a mock anti-hijacking drill onboard a renowned casino, harboured in River Mandovi here, officials said. ATS simulated real-time situation of a terrorist attack, the exercise which was concluded successfully yesterday.
“Goa is one of the most popular tourist destinations not only in India but across the world. Keeping in mind the threat perception and to validate its standard operating procedures, a mock drill was held by ATS Goa on board the vessel Big Daddy Casino,” read an official release.
Upon receipt of information of hijacking of the vessel, commandoes of ATS immediately responded and moved to the command post near Azad Maidan. Other stakeholders responded in the minimum possible time at the command post i.e. fire and Emergency services, Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS) Team, Officials of Captain of Ports besides others.
The commando forces of ATS were formed into various teams for carrying out the rescue operations. The mock anti-hijacking operations were carried out efficiently by the teams whereby three terrorist elements were neutralised and two crew members who were ‘injured’ in the operation were evacuated to nearest health centre using feeder boats.
Read EquityPandit’s Nifty Outlook for the Week