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By EquityPandit


EquityPandit Ranked In Top 25 Market Research Company by The CEO Magazine


India’s leading equity research company EquityPandit, has been ranked amongst the Top 25 Market Research by The CEO Company. The CEO Magazine is an ISO certified media firm and is India’s most admired monthly magazine published from New Delhi, India.

Addressing EquityPandit as the “Unicorn of Indian Stock Market” The CEO Magazine credited it for breaking the ice for technical research in the equity market.

The Company is one of the biggest players with a dominant position in both Institutional and Retail.EquityPandit specializes in the business of  Analysis, Information, and Intelligence. It has made an effort to bring you the top technical, fundamental basics of stock.

Also while describing EquityPandit, The CEO Magazine acknowledged, “EquityPandit is the frontier settler amid India’s leading Equity Research Companies, providing a comprehensive list of servicing in the stock advisory.”




You may read the complete transcript of the interview at EquityPandit: Breaking The Ice For Technical Research In The Equity Market

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