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By EquityPandit

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E-Bay Seeks to Tap Cross-Border Opportunities

In India with ineffective strategies and investment decisions, it is the first-mover advantage, US e-commerce giant eBay incorporation is preparing to gain a stronger foothold in its second invasion focusing on cross-border opportunities. Now onwards, the company focused on the cross-border opportunities we have with ‘’ and ‘Paytm Mall.’
In 2013, eBay made an investment in Snapdeal putting $133.77 million in the e-commerce firm the following year. But after four years, eBay recorded $61 million in losses from the Snapdeal deal, as per its annual report. Earlier’relaunch in January, the company has turned its attention to enabling India’s small- and medium-sized businesses export their products to eBay’s 182 million customers worldwide.
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