On Tuesday, Wipro Limited appointed Dhruv Anand as Country Head & Managing Director (MD) for operations in Japan. He will lead business expansion in Japan the company. He will also partner with clients to help them achieve their capabilities across the go-to-market themes of Data, Engineering Edge, Cybersecurity, Managed Services, Experience, Analytics & Insights, FullStride Cloud Services and Core Business Transformation.
He has work experience of about 20 years in the IT industry and emerging technologies, specializing in consulting, digital engineering, and IoT across Japan’s automotive, manufacturing, and hi-tech sectors.
In Wipro, he started his career post. He moved to TCS, where he managed the department with a leadership role in the sale, account management, and delivery for Japanese customer and their global operation.
“I am confident that Dhruv’s track record and credentials with Japanese Automotive and Manufacturing clients will be a strong asset for Wipro’s growth in these strategic focus sectors. This, coupled with his passion and deep understanding of the Japanese culture, language, and ways of working, positions him strongly to lead our business in Japan,” said Anis Chenchah, member of the Wipro Executive Board and Chief Executive Officer, APMEA (Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa), Wipro Limited.
“I am humbled with the opportunity to lead Wipro in a country I am very passionate about and have spent 20 years living in. Wipro’s vision is synergistic, and I look forward to the journey while striving to be more relevant to our customers and employees,” said Dhruv Anand.