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By EquityPandit


Delta Corp Stock Under Future & Option Ban on NSE

On BSE some other stocks are surged in volumes named HLE Glascoat Ltd, Aptus Value Housing Finance India Ltd, RHI Magnesita India Ltd and Alok Industries Ltd.

National Stock Exchange (NSE)

On Friday, one stock was put under the ban for trade under segments of the futures and options (F&O) by the National Stock Exchange (NSE).

According to NSE, the stock has been put under the F&O segment, which was banned as it has crossed 95 per cent of the market-wide position limit (MWPL).

Today, Delta Corp is part of the F&O ban list by the stock exchange. The NSE updates the list of securities in the F&O ban for trade every day.

“It is at this moment informed that all clients/members shall trade in the derivative contracts of said securities only to decrease their positions through offsetting positions,” the stock exchange said.

“Any increase in open positions shall attract appropriate penal and disciplinary action,” NSE added.

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