In wake of the coronavirus outbreak in India, Delhi Police today used drone near Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) protest site to monitor the situation in the area. To contain the spread of the virus, Delhi is under a lockdown till March 31 and no public transport, including private buses, taxis and autorickshaws will be allowed to ply on the roads.
The video of drone has shared with media, ‘Delhi Police makes use of drone near Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) protest site to monitor the situation in the area, amid complete lockdown in Delhi. Police cleared the protest site earlier today.’
Protestors against the citizenship law at Shaheen Bagh were vacated by the Delhi Police amid coronavirus outbreak on Tuesday morning, officials said. The protests at Shaheen Bagh had been going on for three months against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). It all started after the police action in Jamia Millia where police used force against the anti-CAA protesters in which many students were injured allegedly.
Shaheen Bagh had become a symbol of anti-CAA protest and was replicated in some other parts. However, amid the fear of the spread of the COVID-19, protests in other places were called off.
Read EquityPandit’s Nifty Outlook for the Week