The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has taken over the operations of the Rapid Metro Link in Gurugram. Earlier, Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon Limited (RMGL) and Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon South Limited (RMGSL), will continue to operate as per the normal time table for services on the 11.6km corridor .”The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation will take over the operations and maintenance of the Rapid Metro Link at Gurugram from tonight, 22 October 2019,” DMRC tweeted.
Due to low footfall and high expenditure, RMGL had expressed its ability to run the metro in Gurugram. According to the release, the DMRC has provided adequate staff to ensure that the commuters are not affected and the services continue smoothly. DMRC is committed to providing the best possible services. Therefore adequate staff have already been deployed to maintain a smooth and trouble-free transition of service, a press release by the DMRC read.
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