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By EquityPandit


Decentro Startups Empowering Healthtech, Insurtech via Banking APIs

Recently, the API platform named Decentro has started empowering HealthTech and InsurTech segments across the country. BimaPlan is an excellent example of launches that companies in his affordable insurance platform did. Over 130 companies already enable innovation and capabilities, such as Gromo and Bima plan by simplifying the underlying legacy integration up to 10 times, said the company.

Rohit Taneja, Co-founder & CEO, Decentro, said, “The Indian Insurance landscape is evolving well, and technology is playing a major role in its transformation. From managing the problems related to the complex money movement frameworks to ironing out identity issues, our holistic and battle-tested API platform is weeding out the crucial pain points of traditional financial workflows like paying for health care and selling insurance. We are excited to empower the country’s InsurTech journey with early and fast-moving partners like BimaPlan and Gromo, among many others already in our pipeline.”

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