On Monday, crude oil futures fell 0.36 per cent to Rs 3,855 per barrel in line with weak trends in overseas markets. Crude oil contracts for July delivery traded lower by Rs 14, or 0.36 per cent, at Rs 3,855 per barrel with a business volume of 20,255 lots on Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX). Additionally, crude oil contracts for September delivery traded lower by Rs 12, or 0.31 per cent, to Rs 3,880 per barrel in a business turnover of 501 lots.
According to the marketmen, the fall in crude oil futures was mostly due to trimming of positions by traders in tandem with a weak trend overseas. However, the West Texas Intermediate was down 0.36 per cent to USD 56, while global benchmark Brent was down 0.57 per cent to USD 63.10 a barrel.
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