Wipro Ltd and Azim Premji Foundation, which have actively been helping the underprivileged amid the COVID-19 crisis, have now extended their support to over half a million people. Both have aided ‘through a mix of 60,000 freshly cooked meals daily through Wipro’s campus canteens and the rest through the distribution of complete kits of ration for 14-21 days,’ Wipro chairman Rishad Premji said on Twitter on 6 April.
Wipro, Wipro Enterprises and Azim Premji Foundation have together committed Rs 1,125 crore towards tackling the crisis arising out of the COVID-19 outbreak. Of the Rs 1,125 crore, Wipro has pledged Rs 100 crore, Wipro Enterprises has committed Rs 25 crore, and that of Azim Premji Foundation stands at Rs 1,000 crore. These sums are in addition to the annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of Wipro, and the philanthropic spend by Azim Premji Foundation.
‘Modern global society has not confronted a crisis of this magnitude and type. The Azim Premji Foundation and Wipro believe that we must all work together to not only deal with this crisis and minimize its human impact, particularly on the disadvantaged, but also learn from these extraordinary times, to develop a more resilient global community, based on justice, equity, humaneness, and ecological sustainability,’ Wipro had said in an earlier statement.
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